Adding a pop of colour and creating cute eye looks can be fun – but taking them off can feel like a chore, especially before bed. Eye makeup can consist of thick pigments, shimmer particles and oil bases – making it crucial but tough to clean properly. If left on overnight, it can lead to itching and burning. All we're saying is that you and your eyes deserve better.
For starters, wash your hands before touching your eye area when attempting to remove makeup. If you wear contact lenses, remove them before you begin because makeup could transfer onto your lenses and damage them during cleansing.
After you have these basic steps down, keep the following tips on how to remove eye makeup in mind:
1. Gentle does it
Removing your makeup after a long day at work, or a night out, can feel cumbersome. This may make you want to just get all that gunk out of your eyes quickly, even at the cost of being rash and messy in the process. But, there's merit to putting time and effort into it. Your eyes are made of sensitive cells, so it’s good practice to take your time and be gentle. Use soft cotton pads and a good quality makeup cleanser to gently clean your eyes the best you can. Ensure you do not use cotton balls, makeshift cloths, or tissues to remove your makeup as these may cause rashes. Continue with a face wash and moisturise afterwards. Ensure you don't rub your makeup cleanser back and forth on your eyes or tug on your skin. This can damage the delicate skin underneath.

2. Double cleanse to get a thorough clean up
Most skincare experts swear by double cleansing and it has become quite the popular habit to adopt. Start with an oil-based cleanser to remove makeup, especially of the waterproof kind, followed by a gentle cleanser to hydrate the face and rid it of any extra impurities. Double cleansing allows your skin to breathe freely, sans all the harsh chemicals in cosmetics, and keeps it hydrated for hours after. Make sure to stick to an alcohol-free cleanser to avoid irritating your eye area.
3. Micellar is mighty
The go-to for makeup purists is micellar water. Soak two cotton pads, or reusable cloth pads, with micellar water and place them on your eyes for 30 seconds to a minute. This time lets the remover break down the particles and dissolve the chemicals on your skin. Relax and then remove the pads; they should have absorbed most of your eyeshadow and mascara. Instead of resorting to the impulsive left to right rubs, swipe gently in a downward motion when cleansing your eyes. Move in the natural direction of your eyelashes for the best results.
Tira tip: When removing false lashes, wet a earbud with micellar water to remove eyelash glue and liner from your waterline gently.
4. Know it before you use it
Know the ingredients that go into your makeup remover. Read up on reviews and ratings to ensure that the product is made for your skin type, especially if your skin is sensitive to over-the-counter options. Do a patch test on your neck and look out for rashes, tingling or burning sensations. We recommend not experimenting too much or too often with makeup removers as they tend to have a harsh effect on the skin.
5. Moisturise like you mean it
Eye creams are a blessing after you remove eye makeup. They moisturise the thin layer of skin below your eyes and keep it hydrated. You should ideally moisturise with eye cream even when you don’t have makeup on to remove. Once your eye area is clean of all impurities, dab the eye cream gently onto your eyelids and massage it in. Remember to use your ring finger to maintain a light touch and avoid any rigorous rubbing in of the product. Applying a moisturiser on damp skin is ideal, as it gets absorbed quicker.
6. Keep it fresh
Using a single cotton pad to remove heavy makeup from both eyes is a common mistake that we all make sometimes. It might not remove our makeup entirely and may even re-spread the gunk on the eyes. The best way to remove eye makeup is to use a fresh cotton pad for each eye. Fold the unused section of your cotton pad instead of flipping it to the other side. This will avoid redepositing the makeup you've removed back onto your skin.
7. Game changing habits
Once you find the best way to remove eye makeup, instill a habit of self-care in general. A little me-time is the nicest gift you can give yourself. Plus, having a set skincare routine would help you remember to remove your eye makeup. Limit your usage of waterproof mascaras and eyeliners as much as you can. They’re not great on your skin and might make it dry in the long run. Plus, they're super tedious to remove. Rinse with a gentle cleanser once you've removed your makeup to the best of your abilities.