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Team Tira spills their moms' BEST beauty tips

Anubhuti Arya
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Team Tira spills their moms' BEST beauty tips
Team Tira spills their moms' BEST beauty tips

Admit it; whether you like it or not, moms give some of the best advice ever. Somehow, they always know what to do in a fix, or where exactly to find that old pair of jeans you thought was lost forever. It’s no surprise then, that some moms also give the best tips, hacks and life lessons when it comes to beauty. As Mother’s Day draws closer, Team Tira shares some of their fondest beauty memories with their mothers, revealing the most noteworthy beauty tips that they still swear by.

Ritika Saraiya, Retention Marketing

“My mother has always been big on grooming. Right since my childhood, she has taught me the importance of simple beauty habits that can make all the difference, like having clean, trimmed nails and smelling fresh. She taught me to never leave the house without filed nails and a good, long-lasting perfume. Another beauty quirk that I inherited from her is my love for vitamin E. My mom loves everything with this nourishing ingredient—serums, moisturisers, you name it!”

Kartik Negandhi, Studio

“I wasn’t too inclined towards beauty or skincare growing up, but when my skin started getting super oily around my teens, I did get a little concerned. I had a couple blemishes too and I remember my mom coming to my rescue for those. She was a big believer of DIY treatments and promptly suggested a multani mitti mask to deal with oiliness and inflammation—and it worked! In fact, I still use clay masks occasionally whenever my skin tends to start feeling a little greasy or congested.

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Anubhuti Arya, Editorial

“I think my love for beauty stems from watching my mom do her makeup when I was a child. She was the OG beauty girlie before beauty girlies were even a thing and would do an almost-full-face every time she stepped out of the house. I would watch in awe as she swiped on lipstick, wanting one of my own too. Even today, sometimes we do our makeup together in chatty, elaborate routines just for the fun of it!”

Kamal Panesar, Social Media

“My mom is known across my hometown for her long, healthy hair. In fact, she has her own signature hairdo that people know her by—it’s essentially a protective bun with a little bouffant in the front. Growing up, she made sure our hair was always well-cared for. She taught me the importance of oiling my hair at least once a week (it’s a game-changer honestly, especially if you have dry or damaged strands) and wearing it in protective hair styles like buns and braids.”

Saloni Saraf, Partner Marketing

“My mother is a big fan of Indian beauty rituals, from the simplest kitchen hacks to the more elaborate ones. When I was a kid, she would whip up this ubtan of besan, milk, turmeric and coconut milk to be used before a bath. It worked great as an exfoliating body mask and was very hydrating as well. Another little hack of hers that I loved was adding a few drops of cologne to the bath water—it would be so cooling in the summer and would also keep us smelling great all day.”

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