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Skincare superstar: Supercharged matcha isn’t just for your coffee order

Team Tira
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Super Ingredients
Skincare superstar: Supercharged matcha isn’t just for your coffee order
Skincare superstar: Supercharged matcha isn’t just for your coffee order

Often stirred into smoothies and skincare, matcha is now an omnipresent superfood. It earned this well-deserved status, thanks to the abundance of antioxidants this Hulk-hued wonder holds—like catechins like epigallocatechin gallate (ECEG) that neutralise free radicals caused by UV radiation, pollution and other environmental stressors; L-theanine, an amino acid known for its ability to promote relaxation and enhance cognitive function; and high levels of chlorophyll, which is often dubbed as ‘nature’s detoxifier’. Moreover, matcha is also rich in vitamins A, C and E; as well as minerals such as potassium, calcium and iron.

How to add matcha to your skincare routine

It comes as no surprise that matcha’s skincare benefits cover all the bases that there are in the world of skincare. Here are a few:

  • Just as in its culinary form, matcha boasts a high concentration of antioxidants in skincare products as well. This prevents oxidative stress to minimise premature ageing.
  • With natural anti-inflammatory properties, matcha-infused skin products are ideal for calming irritated skin. It can help soothe redness, inflammation and sensitivity—making it suitable for those with acne-prone skin.
  • Made of high chlorophyll content, matcha is known for its detoxifying abilities. When applied to the skin, it draws out impurities, unclogs pores and results in clearer skin—thus making it a great addition to face-care routines.
  • The combination of vitamins, minerals and amino acids present in matcha enables a youthful appearance by maintaining collagen and elastic fibres, which are essential for skin’s firmness, elasticity and overall rejuvenation.

How to mix and match(a) in a skincare routine

Sometimes it is just as important to know how to use matcha for skincare as it is crucial to know which matcha skincare to use.

  1. After using a matcha-based cleanser, follow up with a gentle toner to balance your skin’s pH levels. Look for a toner with soothing ingredients like rose water, chamomile or aloe vera.
  1. If you’ve used ClayCo Purifying Matcha Clay Mask or its alternative, be sure to use a hydrating serum or moisturiser to replenish the skin’s moisture. This product should ideally have hyaluronic acid, glycerin or ceramides.
  1. Infusing matcha as a serum or moisturiser—like the Faces Canada Pro Clear Skin Matcha Green Tea Face Serum or the Medimade Fuji Matcha Green Tea Moisturising Cream-calls for the use of a broad-spectrum sunscreen after, to complete the morning routine. 
  1. While scrubbing your body with Tvachamrit Mint & Matcha Body Scrub is bound to leave you feeling refreshed, it can be drying. To protect the skin’s barrier, make sure you also use creams with shea and cocoa butter or natural oils like coconut.
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